Kindness Mission
Paint Kindness Rocks and hide them within your community to spread kindness!
Submit on or before June 30th to earn your free Mission Kit!
Kindness is the quality of being generous, helpful, and caring about other people, or an act showing this quality.
Each June at TinySuperheroes, we practice Kindness through Kindness Rocks because it's fun, contagious, and interactive!
What You'll Need
Mission Instructions
Download Instructions
Step 1: Gather rocks & paint them in any way you'd like!
While you paint, think about the people that may find them! Be as creative as you'd like! You can include pictures, quotes, words... there are no rules for Kindness Rocks!
If possible, write #TSHRocks on the back of the rock in case someone wants us to know they found one!

Step 2: Hide your rocks around your community.
It's totally up to you where to hide them! Don't hide them too well, we actually want people to find them!

Step 3: Spread more Kindness!
Repeat this process as often as you'd like! (Keep your eyes peeled for Kindness Rocks that others have hidden!) There can't be too much kindness around!
Invite your whole family to get involved!

Step 4: Take & post a video or photo!
Don't forget to wear your cape! Make sure to tag us @TinySuperheroes and #KindnessMission. Our private Facebook group is a great place to post.

Step 5: Report to HQ
Tap the button below to submit your Mission on or before June 30, 2023 to earn your free Mission Kit! After June, you can still submit your Mission, but you will not receive a claim code.
Note to Grown-Ups
You have our full permission to adapt any and every TinySuperheroes Mission in any way that is better suited for your TinySuperhero! In fact, when you do, share it on the Facebook Group to give other families ideas as well!

Every Mission. Every Month. Automatically!
Learn More!Be Kind Patch (Kindness Mission - June '23