February 2024
Love Mission
February 2024
Love Mission
Love Mission Instructions
What You'll Need

Step 1
Review and download the list of ideas below on ways to practice generosity while also helping others in need.

Step 1
Cut out 2 big hearts & multiple smaller hearts from paper of your choice. Use our templates or create your own!
*Grown-ups: Doing this activity in front of your child at any age creates memories that last a lifetime!
Step 2
On each small heart, write the name of someone who loves you! Think about people in and outside of your family!
(Teachers, therapists, babysitters, friends, doctors, nurses...)

Step 3
Attach the small hearts to the strings. Then, attach the strings to the back of one of the large hearts using tape.

Step 4
Place the 2nd large heart on top of the 1st large heart (like a sandwich) to hide the strings! Hang your Love Mobile somewhere you can see it often, and remember, YOU ARE LOVED!

This Mission Patch & Kit were free for submissions done in February 2024. They are now available in the Shop!

Share your Mission with your Squad!
Strap on your Cape and take a photo or video of you and your Love Mobile! Post in our Facebook Group to share your experience and encourage others to join us in the Love Mission! Tag @TinySuperheroes and #LoveMission so we are sure to see it!
Love Mission Instructions
What You'll Need

Step 1
Cut out 2 big hearts & multiple smaller hearts from paper of your choice. Use our templates or create your own!
*Grown-ups: Doing this activity in front of your child at any age creates memories that last a lifetime!

Step 1
Cut out 2 big hearts & multiple smaller hearts from paper of your choice. Use our templates or create your own!
*Grown-ups: Doing this activity in front of your child at any age creates memories that last a lifetime!
Step 2
On each small heart, write the name of someone who loves you! Think about people in and outside of your family!
(Teachers, therapists, babysitters, friends, doctors, nurses...)

Step 3
Attach the small hearts to the strings. Then, attach the strings to the back of one of the large hearts using tape.

Step 4
Place the 2nd large heart on top of the 1st large heart (like a sandwich) to hide the strings! Hang your Love Mobile somewhere you can see it often, and remember, YOU ARE LOVED!

This Mission Patch & Kit were available for free for submissions done in February 2024. They are now available in the Shop!
Share your Mission with your Squad!
Strap on your Cape and take a photo or video of you and your Love Mobile! Post in our Facebook Group to share your experience and encourage others to join us in the Love Mission! Tag @TinySuperheroes and #LoveMission so we are sure to see it!