Empathy Mission

Submit on or before May 31st to earn your free Mission Kit!

Empathy Mission Video

Create a Feelings Garden to unlock your superpower of Empathy!

Empathy is when you imagine how someone else is feeling and try to understand how they feel. It's like trying to put yourself in their shoes and see things from their perspective.

Empathy helps us be kind and understanding to others, and it makes people feel better when they know someone cares about them. In order to have empathy for others, we must first practice recognizing our own feelings. In this TinySuperheroes Mission, we'll do both!

What You'll Need

Mission Instructions

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Step 1: Create flowers for your Feelings Garden

A Feelings Garden is made up of flowers of different feelings! Use our templates or create your very own flowers to fill your Feelings Garden.

Use items from around your home to attach your flowers to stems! (Straws, plastic silverware, pipe cleaners...)


Step 2: Arrange your Feelings Garden!

You can plant your garden can be in a vase, a bowl, or whatever you want! Be creative!

Place your Feelings Garden somewhere that your family spends time together in your home.

Step 3: Practice Empathy with your family!

Throughout the month, take time to choose the flower that matches your feeling for that moment. When we pay attention to our own feelings, we can understand better how someone else might be feeling.

Have others in your family share the flower that matches their feelings with you! Now you're really working your superpower of Empathy!

Step 4: Take & post a video or photo!

Don't forget to wear your cape! Make sure to tag us @TinySuperheroes and #EmpathyMission. Our private Facebook group is a great place to post.

Go to Facebook Group

Step 5: Report to HQ

Tap the button below to submit your Mission on or before May 31, 2023 to earn your free Mission Kit! After May, you can still submit your Mission, but you will not receive a claim code.

Submit Mission

Note to Grown-Ups

You have our full permission to adapt any and every TinySuperheroes Mission in any way that is better suited for your TinySuperhero! In fact, when you do, share it on the Facebook Group to give other families ideas as well!

  • Super Adelyn

    "Had so much fun being creative with this mission and practicing our emotions!"

  • Super Zoey

    "Zoey loves flowers! And feelings! We had a lot of fun making our flowers and will practice our empathy this month!"

  • Super Nevaya

    "Coloring and talking about the emotions as we put them in our flower pots was a fun family moment ❤️"

  • Super Cecilia

    "Cecilia’s day is very busy with a lot of stuff that isn’t so fun. Lots of meds and treatments to get through. Expressing her feelings and frustrations is very important."

  • Super Josephine

    "We made fingerpaint handprint flowers and assigned an emotion to each flower. The emotions match the those on her communication device."

  • Super Joseph

    "We loved making the different faces as we learned all about our emotions and that it's ok to feel what we feel."

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