Growth Mindset Mission
Submit on or before April 30th to earn your free Mission Kit!
Growth Mindset Mission Video

Unlock your Growth Mindset by discovering your Magical Yet!
A growth mindset is the belief that you can get better at something by practicing and working hard. When you have a growth mindset, you believe that your abilities and intelligence can grow and develop over time.
What You'll Need
Mission Instructions
Download Instructions
Step 1: Read 'The Magical Yet'
Robyn can read the book to you so you can see the pictures! Tap the button below to watch!

Step 2: Make your YET! Poster
Be creative! Leave plenty of white space to write on your poster all month long!

Step 3: Fill your poster!
Here's your chance to practice your Growth Mindset!
Whenever there's something you want to do, but can't do just yet, write it on your poster! Fill it up with your hopes and dreams! Be sure to finish your sentences with your magical 'yet!'
So, if you're working on riding your bike but haven't mastered it yet, you could write "I can't ride my bike...YET!"

Step 4: Take & post a video or photo!
Don't forget to wear your cape! Make sure to tag us @TinySuperheroes and #GrowthMindsetMission. Our private Facebook group is a great place to post.

Step 5: Report to HQ
Tap the button below to submit your Mission on or before April 31, 2023 to earn your free Mission Kit! After April you can still submit your Mission, but you will not receive a claim code.
Note to Grown-Ups
You have our full permission to adapt any and every TinySuperheroes Mission in any way that is better suited for your TinySuperhero! In fact, when you do, share it on the Facebook Group to give other families ideas as well!

Every Mission. Every Month. Automatically!
Learn More!
We've taken 75% off the 2019 Growth Mindset Mission Kit!
View in ShopYet Patch (Growth Mindset Mission - April '23)