photo of TinySuperheroes Crew members

TinyLetter: A Fresh Start

After 3 years in a very special spot, this past weekend the Crew picked up and moved TinySuperheroes HQ!

For most of you, it probably doesn’t change much, but for me, this move is like a breath of fresh air.

It’s hard to avoid the nostalgia that comes with packing all of your things into boxes. I found letters from you, old Missions we’ve done together, goals we set for TinySuperheroes, and books upon books filled with all my thoughts…

The past few years have been hard, haven’t they? In a thousand different ways, I’m confident each of you could share handfuls of stories about how this season of life has been challenging for you and your family.

I am no different - TinySuperheroes is no different - and the last 3 years have stretched us, grown us, and tested our GRIT. 

Moving our HQ is bittersweet. I am so grateful for how our old HQ kept our Capes safe and gave us room to grow. I am also filled with hope to close the door on parts of the past few years that felt very, very challenging. 

While boxes and U-Hauls are tough on your body, mind, and spirit, starting fresh is so good for my soul!

For me, moving is like starting a new journal - an empty book with endless potential for adventure - and we get to write the story!

We are decorating the entrance of our new HQ with letters and drawings from our Squad!  If you would like to send one for us to hang, our new address is:

TinySuperheroes HQ
452 Sovereign Ct. 
Suite B
Ballwin, MO 63011


We are filling HQ with pictures of all of you because YOU are why we do this.  YOU inspire us. 


From our new home to yours,


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