December 2023
Generosity Mission
Generosity Mission Instructions
Step 1
Review and download the list of ideas below on ways to practice generosity while also helping others in need.

Step 1
Review and download the list of ideas below on ways to practice generosity while also helping others in need.

Step 2
With help from your grown-up, complete one or more of the activities from the list.
Step 3
Reflect on your experience with your family - what did it feel like to freely give to others?
Step 4
Post a photo or video in our Facebook Group to share your experience with your Squad!
Tag @TinySuperheroes and #GenerosityMission so we are sure to see it!
This Patch & Mission Kit were free for submissions completed in December 2023. They are now available in the Shop!
Generosity Mission Instructions
Step 1
Review and download the list of ideas below on ways to practice generosity while also helping others in need.

Step 1
Review and download the list of ideas below on ways to practice generosity while also helping others in need.

Step 2
With help from your grown-up, complete one or more of the activities from the list.
Step 3
Reflect on your experience with your family - what did it feel like to freely give to others?
Step 4
Post a photo or video in our Facebook Group to share your experience with your Squad! Tag @TinySuperheroes and #GenerosityMission so we are sure to see it!
This Mission Patch and Kit were free for submission completed in December 2023. They are now available in the Shop!

There are over 50 TinySuperheroes Missions in our library! Check them out and practice more superpowers!