May 2024
Hope Mission
April 2024
Growth Mission
April 2024
Growth Mission
Growth Mission Instructions
Step 1
Gather your supplies: pot, soil, and seeds
* Some easy seeds include: marigolds, poppies, sweet peas, and sunflowers.
Step 2
1. Fill your pot with soil, almost to the top.
2. Pinch several seeds into the dirt, and cover the seeds with dirt.
3. Place your pot in the sunlight and water it regularly.
Step 3
Observe your plant throughout the month! Feel free to send us updates!
Optionally, check out the Plant Life Cycle & What We Need to Grow worksheets!
Step 4
Take a photo of you with your plant (and Cape if possible!) Submit your completed Mission at the link below on or before April 30th to receive your free Mission Patch & Kit!

This Patch & Mission Kit was free for submissions completed in April 2024, they are now available in the Shop!
Share your Mission with your Squad!
Strap on your Cape and take a photo or video of you with your pot, or even while planting your seeds! Post in our Facebook Group to share your experience and encourage others to join us in the Growth Mission! Tag @TinySuperheroes and #GrowthMission so we are sure to see it!