January 2024
Positivity Mission
January 2024
Positivity Mission
Positivity Mission Instructions
Step 1
Choose 5 Affirmations to focus on for this Mission. You can choose from the list below or make up your own!

Step 1
Review and download the list of ideas below on ways to practice generosity while also helping others in need.

Step 2
Write all 5 affirmations on a piece of paper and hang it on your bathroom mirror. (Or somewhere you will definitely see it everyday.)

Step 3
Every time you brush your teeth, you're in the bathroom. Use this as your reminder to practice your affirmations! Look in the mirror and read the affirmations out loud.
*Grown-ups: Doing this activity in front of your child at any age sets an amazing example for them!

Step 4
Strap on your Cape and take a short video of your saying your affirmations! Post your video in our Facebook Group to share your experience with your Squad!
Tag @TinySuperheroes and #PositivityMission so we are sure to see it!
This Patch and Mission Kit were available for free for submissions completed in January 2024. They are now available for purchase in the Shop!
Positivity Mission Instructions
Step 1
Review and download the list of ideas below on ways to practice generosity while also helping others in need.

Step 1
Choose 5 Affirmations to focus on for this Mission. You can choose from the list below or make up your own!

Step 2
Write all 5 affirmations on a piece of paper and hang it on your bathroom mirror. (Or somewhere you will definitely see it everyday.)

Step 3
Every time you brush your teeth, you're in the bathroom. Use this as your reminder to practice your affirmations! Look in the mirror and read the affirmations out loud.
*Grown-ups: Doing this activity in front of your child at any age sets an amazing example for them!

Step 4
Strap on your Cape and take a short video of you saying your affirmations! Post your video in our Facebook Group to share your experience with your Squad! Tag @TinySuperheroes and #PositivityMission so we are sure to see it!
This Patch and Mission Kit were available for free for submissions completed in January 2024. They are now available for purchase in the Shop!
Positivity Mission Gallery